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Thread: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    I use CS6 Adobe Bridge but recently it has been causing me problems...

    At first, although I had to box check indicating that I wanted to delete the images from my CF Cards, those images were not deleted.

    Then, all of a sudden, I cannot open images from the CF Card. I open Bridge and select FILE > GET PHOTOS FROM CAMERA > then I get the hourglass working signal and nothing happens. I wait several minutes and then close the Bridge by selecting the x at the top right of the screen.

    Now I get a pop-up stating: "Adobe Bridge CS6 is not responding Windows can check online for a solution, if you restart or close the program, you may lose information" My choices are:

    1. Check for a solution and restart the program
    2. Close the program
    3. Wait for program to respond

    If I select #1 - the program closes and restarts but I still cannot GET PHOTOS FROM CAMERA and the hourglass symbol stays on the screen

    If I select #2 - The program closes

    Choosing #3 grays out the screen but does nothing else...

    Clicking on - View Problem Details results in this information - I don't understand it

    A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: AppHangXProcB1
    Application Name: Bridge.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4f5ec28e
    Hang Signature: 216e
    Hang Type: 16416
    Waiting on Application Name: Photodownloader.exe
    Waiting on Application Version:
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Hang Signature 1: 216ed9ca862c708c0409ab613db441e0
    Additional Hang Signature 2: 5da6
    Additional Hang Signature 3: 5da62c05a27e6fdf2f0c2626ec3a632d
    Additional Hang Signature 4: 216e
    Additional Hang Signature 5: 216ed9ca862c708c0409ab613db441e0
    Additional Hang Signature 6: 5da6
    Additional Hang Signature 7: 5da62c05a27e6fdf2f0c2626ec3a632d

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    I searched the web for AppHangXProcB1 and came up with this possibility...

    Depress CTRL when opening BRIDGE. This will bring up RESET SETTINGS with choice of one or more trouble shooting options
    Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    I first chose all the options which resulted in Bridge freezing

    This results in this screen - but, I don't know what to do with the screen
    Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Now, I am stuck with this screen EVERY time I go to BRIDGE I cannot close it or exit from it...

    Should I delete Bridge and try to reinstall or do I have to delete Adobe CS6?

    What a mess I am in!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 3rd May 2015 at 06:25 PM.

  2. #2
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Richard, sorry you are having problems...Not sure if this will help but...

    At present on the LHS you are highlighting the desktop. If you shift to the Computer tab above and click it should open a view of the C drive and associated drives you may have, you should then be able to tab down and highlight drives with your data on.

    As regards the underlying problem, I gather you are connecting the camera directly to the computer and automatically downloadin from your card.

    Can you try removing the card from the camera and insert it into the card reader on your PC. You should then be able to 'see'the card in windows explorer. More to the point, the card should show up as a 'new' drive on bridge under the Computer Tab I mentioned above.

    Problem is that I do not allow CS6 to import automatically, so have no experience of Bridge import. (I create my own folders, and transfer directly from card into a folder using windows. I then 'open' the folder in bridge after it has been populated.

    As long as your images are in discrete folders, deleting and reinstalling bridge should not cause any loss of the original or processed files. However, if you are not storing .xmp files in the same folder as the parent raw files, they may be lost .

  3. #3
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Richard, I've been browsing to see if there are any repair options... so far no luck.

    But, if you have not found it already, take a look at this link....

    I'll keep looking... good luck!

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Richard - have you tried a cold restart of your computer to see if this fixes the problem. Power down and then restart your machine. This type of issue is sometimes caused by Windows, rather than Bridge.

  5. #5

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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Hard to be sure with a fix without knowing what the hardware connections are. Also, do you have a way to connect the card to the computer without the camera and Bridge? On my laptop pc and on my printer I have card slots that the card will go in and will show up on the MY COMPUTER icon in windows. Do you have either of those?
    Problem could be the card, the connection, the computer, etc.

  6. #6

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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    At first, although I had to box check indicating that I wanted to delete the images from my CF Cards, those images were not deleted.
    I would consider that a feature. Seriously, I never delete the images from my memory card until they have been downloaded, backed up, post-processed and cataloged. If everything that could go wrong does go wrong, I will at least have all the images on my memory card.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    I have always used a card reader but, I downloaded my images using Bridge: FILE> GET IMAGES FROM CAMERA...

    I took Mike Buckley's suggestion and selected the COMPUTER from the Bridge window and then Found my CF CARD and can find the images.

    Possibly this will solve most of my problems.

    This is what my screen looks like now..

    Adobe Bridge Acting Up

    I am still going to try to find out what has happened... But, I am back working again...

    Thanks all for your help...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 4th May 2015 at 03:07 AM.

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