I spy with my little eye.........
1. Convoy of turtles overview…
2. A convoy of turtles
I took this one slightly at the right of the Japanese Garden where they have
3. fishies where kids (and adults) can feed them.
4. Hi !!! -- Someone must have dropped this worker's glove and put it at the gate...
5. Here He comes… : I lost my husband somewhere…so I called him up on my cell and here he come while I was at the Ottoman Garden, annoying the hell out of a woman taking a shot of the sundial there. I decided to be her pest for the day.
6. Bald Cypress Knees : Prolific in Eastern and southern United States, these are knobby structures around cypress trees that grows only where it is near water.
7. Schmoyer Sunquest : This unique sundial displays daylight savings time. The moveable part on the dial's axis (called the gnomon) cast shadows. Time is indicated by a band of sunlight between two shadows on the time scale.
Designed by Richard L. Schmoyer (1915-1997) of Landisville, Pennsylvania in 1959. This was placed at the garden by the North American Sundial Society on August of 2008.