Hi Kris, you have not said what software you use.
I use CS6 and my 'standard' workflow is to first adjust an image in ACR (Adobe camera raw) and then post process for final presentation in Photoshop itself.
If I were working your image, I think I would be looking for more 'pop' I think it is a bit dull considering the effect of the rain would have brightened the scene more. The flowers in the borders, and palm trees? reflect this looking too dull. So, I wound try increasing vibrance across the image, and I would also enhance the colours slightly. (If you have tried this and found that lifting the reds and oranges results in too much saturation, try changing the blending of the hue and saturation layer to luminosity to damp down the effect.)
We all have our own preferred workflow for working mages, and I'm no exception, but, as a result of some 'mentoring' I was involved with a while back, I put together the pdf at the link below, which tries to summarise/simplify my preferences. It was intended as an aide memoire to the people I has helping with Photoshop, but it may help you with your 'tinkering'
Just one qualification though.... It is a summary of a decision path I use when working an image, but it's the image that dictates the actual flow, nothing is written in stone, so use what works.
Hope this helps... you have a nice image ...