Last edited by bnnrcn; 10th May 2015 at 01:16 PM.
The black and white conversion is good.
But with regards to the composition, it seems like there should be more foreground for me.
I like this as is. The light and patterns in the sky and the lay of the land lead the eye to the largest tree. Nice detail in the vegetation also.
I like the composition and conversion. I would possibly clone out some of the flowers near the bottom just to make it less distracting.
It's handsome, Binnur. I just saw the documentary "Salt of the Earth" about the work of Sebastiao Salgado - an extremely rewarding 110 minutes, which intensified my interest in working in monochrome. This one may have more sky than needed. The other problem for me is that the histogram seems a bit bottom heavy, and the upper (bright) end of the tonal range is mainly carried by the flowers, but they do not come through clearly as such in the scale at which they are shown. It would be interesting to see the color version to know better how you started out.
Thanks for commenting Mark. This is how I see the image in my mind . The bright parts are not flowers indeed, they are some green plants and I made them brighter. I will spend some more time on the image later, because I feel that I can add some more to the image , let's see what happens then
BTW, I usually don't edit the color image thoroughly for my B&W conversions , I take the image to SEP2 and convert to B&W after some minor adjustments in ACR and I adjust the brightness, contrast and structure sliders and use control points according to the look I want to achieve in B&W. So I usually deal with the tones of grey instead of colors. Although I edited this image in PS quickly, again I didn't edit the color image very well, I only tweaked some color sliders in B&W conversion layer to achieve the tones of grey I want in the image and then I added some other adjustment layers according to my need.
Thank you so much for letting me know about ' The Salt of The Earth'. I have just watched the trailer and I can't wait to watch the whole documentary tonight. I'm sure it will broaden my vision about B&W images. This is going to be a good treatment in addition to Mike's thread about Ansel Adams
Hello, Binnur. I like both the composition and the conversion. A very interesting image. Regards,
Binnur - it's a nice shot and I like how the background and foreground complement each other. I've always had a weakness for B&W landscapes, so am enjoying your interpretation of this scene.
There's something that somehow is not working as well as it should for me, and I resisted posting until I could figure this out. I think I'm a bit along the lines of what Mark is thinking and while he suggests he would like to see more foreground, I would go in the opposite direction and suggest I find there is too much background.
The foreground and background should have some kind of harmony and balance. In this case, I find there is too much sky for the amount of foreground and think a fairly severe crop of the sky might be needed to add more balance to this shot.
Hi Manfred, thanks for looking and commentingAre you sure that you are not seeing an elongated image because my actual image is in landscape format and the ground on the left covers about 1/3 of the frame but some members see an elongated and some kind of vertical image. I too saw it elongated but I after logging off and logging in again, the image corrected itself.