Originally Posted by
Max von MeiselMaus
Great work on that image, and it does give it more power as it makes an iconic monster from the past into something closer to a real person, which makes his ideology and actions perhaps even more disturbing.
And I am not one for over-censoring. It is a shame that some are uncomfortable with you posting this image. However, I see nothing in it that is glorifying or even condoning Nazism or making light of the atrocities committed. In fact, for the reasons given above, its impact is opposite. And you thoughtfully warned of the content in the thread title, so that those who would feel uncomfortable with it could avoid it.
I would like to see this treatment tried on other villains of history, so don't abandon your plans on Stalin just yet. It forces us to address and view them, not just as names from the past, but as real people. Very powerful.
And this is from another European with family affected by WWII (my father lost his leg and it changed his life, for the worse), so I am not talking as someone who blithely dismisses the impact this man had on the world. But art is a useful way by which to tackle tough subjects, and tough subjects should not be avoided.