1. I think this is a nice building but I do not know how to make it better so I experimented putting vignette around it...
2. Experiment on Black and White: I want to know how I did here. I use Silver FX for the first time here...the bird was incidental here. I did not see him until after I processed my image.
3. This flower is supposed to be subtle pink but I like the effect when I first saw it. I think it is nice....
4. And this purple flower is my favourite...Sorry members who do not like flowers. I need to satisfy my own needs too...
This are it for this week which was supposed to be last week's submission. I was late because of my eyelid operation. It had only been two days that I felt better so I did some pp last night and I am not sure if I did well in these...
Thank you all for looking and commenting and I'd truly appreciate any feedback so I can improve my images.