I have read a lot about Red-winged Blackbirds as they have such fascinating breeding behaviour. It is nice to see a couple of nice pictures of the birds.
Well done shots of the RWBB.
Nick are these not common in your area? Nice shots!
I've been seeing a lot of these and the blue stripe variety. Nicely captured.
Thanks Jim!
They are pretty ones...I wish I can attract more birds in my backyard...I am jealous...
Nicely done; i liked the first one more
Very nice shots
Thanks everybody! Glad you liked them.
John, thanks for the info, I really didn't know about that. That's interesting. Do you have this species on your side of the pond?
Why is it that I have a response in my email notification but not here in this post? Just curious.
Never heard of a red winged black bird, and certainly didn't know there was such a thing as a white black bird. is it an albino?