Lac Louise-2FB by Richard Jones, on Flickr
Lac Louise-2FB by Richard Jones, on Flickr
Very nice scene Richard , I would reduce the brightness and add some contrast if the image was mine
The bright area makes the scene look like it's folding upon itself. Nice capture.
Moved the posts from People & Pets to Nature & Architecture thread. Lake Louise is neither a people or pet, I think..
Very nice image.
Been to Glacier a few times but have not crossed the border to visit Banff.
+1 to Binnur's comment. Great capture of this iconic Canadian landscape!
+1 to John's comment...
Great smooth reflection
Great capture Richard. We have visited there many times - its breathtaking.
Very nice image. I like the reflection. Lake Louise is an amazing place to visit.
Thanks everyone, I have to fix a glitch in my system and so time is at a premium so I thank everyone for looking and commenting. Bob I had to stay overnight (very expensive, the hotel rates) but I spoiled myself and then starved for three months! It was worth the overnight as the lake was glass smooth around 7:30 in the am.
Your composition and the reflection works well, Binnur's PP suggestion is worthwhile looking at Richard