Very nice...Just out of curiousity, is this a walking bridge or a train bridge? It doesn't look like it is going anywhere much...I would have love that boat ride...did you get to take a lot of images while you were in that boat ride? Is this fresh water or salty? I have too many questions, I know...I feel excited for you, can you feel?
If you are talking post processing, crop form the bottom' bit of a vignette on one corner and splash on the other.
Irene landscape is not my thing but for me the sky here is much more compelling than the water. Also when enlarged I see the mountains they really add to the photo. For me I would like to see less water and more of the sky.
Nice; do you have a wider shot?
Hi Irene I agree with the other comments about cropping some of the water. I would also sharpen the bridge a bit more and try adding some structure to the clouds to see how it works.
Thank you Izzie, this bridge is part of the two lane hiway spanning over the Kootenay River which is maybe 2 miles from town. We 'cruised' 10miles upriver, had a picnic lunch then made our way back. It was a beautiful day. As for images, too much vibration as you can tell from this capture.
Thank you John, Barbara, and Binnur for your comments and suggestions to crop and sharpen. I will work on that this coming weekend.
Thank you Wavelength, I only took the one shot knowing it would be slightly blurry.