First and foremost Irene, I am an amateur at bird photography. A whole last two weeks of holiday with hubby and my dog in Florida for my first bird shot yielded nothing but a good shot of a dove from a window which I could have easily done here at home. I didn't have the right gear then. This is only my second attempt to shoot birds, excluding the small backyard birds...look at my third ones I am still learning...
Thank you for looking and commenting. I learned something reading replies to my post here -- use high speed on sunny days...'appreciate your comment...
Barbara I was probably about 6 or 7 meters away from the bird while up on near the restaurant area...SS varies a lot from one shoot to the other depending on how far I was from my "victim"...some where shot inside but on the wild side, some were under covers and some were just out in the sun...Black Swan was ISO 400 at F5.6 and 1/400 SS...I did not look much at my histogram. I was more worried about losing my equipment if my husband falls asleep in my motorized wheelchair I rented on so I do not have to walk for one and also another reason is that I want a place to put my equipment safely if my mule falls asleep at the wheel. Beside, when I ride the wheelchair everyone gets out of my way...I will remember that advice about the higher shutter speed and water combination with sunny day from now on...I have been thinking of you when I planned my outing this week at the bird areas of the zoo...
Thank you for looking and commenting. I would like you to comment on my second batch too, if you please...I will appreciate that too very is at the top of this response to Irene...