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Thread: Nature re-taking control

  1. #1
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Nature re-taking control

    I put a few pictures up on this site into crowd contests,

    This is for an assignment for May, so I took it this afternoon, its a strawberry plzant grwoing up through a old deck at the top of the garden, I liked the rusty screws, the old worn wood and the new leaves coming up through the gap, does it work within the theme ?

    Nature re-taking control

    C & C welcome bearing in mind its already entered

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    I suspect it would be a more powerful image if you return when there is a flower, or at least a bud.

    The trouble I always have with scenes like this is how to make it appear as a flat horizontal subject. This looks more like it is coming through a vertical fence; but none the less attractive for that.

  3. #3
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    Yes, I had the impression of a vertical surface as well. I am quite happy with just the leaves, with no flowers.


  4. #4

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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    Hi Mark, I like the image Where does the blue color on the wood come from, is it paint? IMO it is a bit strong and competing with the leaves.

  5. #5

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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    I like the concept a lot but believe it would have been implemented better if you had used a polarizer to eliminate the glare in the wood.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    The image fits the criteria however this composition seems too pleasing, usually when nature takes control it's very ugly. Nicely captured.

  7. #7
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    I like the concept. Maybe turn the angle 45 degrees or something similar so that it doesn't look so square?

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    You know, my thoughts is that you should had chosen another image to "show control" because it is too soft to be considered a strong subject relating to the phrase "taking control" which to me, means being a leader, not a follower...

    The image is nicely shot and beautiful and strawberry plants are known to be invasive hence probably your decision here to put it in the competition...but one must know that to understand, don't you think? Just a thought...

  9. #9

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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    one must know that to understand
    It has never bothered me that some aspects of some photos require an explanation to be fully appreciated. It happens quite regularly in photo journalism and it's fine with me when it happens with other types of photography as well.

  10. #10
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    Geoff, know what you mean about the flat looking like vertical - did think of a more 45 degree shot but then into the focus point and dof would have require more work, but it may have been better

    Cheers John, can see for and against in ref to the bud/flower but could not wait for it to flower anyway

    Thank you Binnur, the blue is reflected sky in the water, as Mike said,

    Thanks Mike, a polariser would have helped, prob going to have to get one soon

    Cheers John, appreciated

    Thank you Kaye, would probably have added more dynamics, but I was trying for a regimented look with the only non regimented aspect being the plant hence the vertical - horizontal lines

    Izzie, I see what you are saying, poss ivy or a bindweed would have been a better subject as they are more agressive

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    Quote Originally Posted by marlunn View Post
    ......Izzie, I see what you are saying, poss ivy or a bindweed would have been a better subject as they are more agressive
    Mark, I tried to go the link that you posted and read the rules and regulations there...the voting is unfair because you have to click on an image you cannot see beforehand. I think our contests here even if there is no actual physical reward is so much more better...

  12. #12
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Nature re-taking control

    ah, the idea is that you vote on the image with no visibility of the others or their owner or position when you vote on them, when you click on one you see the image and vote on it - it then takes you to the next image to vote on and so forth - once you have voted on all the ones that are in the top 25% you can then see who's they are and what position they are in - sort of works but does mean you have to go through a few to get to see who is in the lead

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