This is lovely! Is it a redbud? I am not sure that the people add much to the photo but then again have to seen it without![]()
I like it, it even gives, at least for me, the impression, this could have been a setting with a flowering cherry tree, in Japan, and the two person next to the tree make the photo whole........
I like the whole image as is, John...the people is an added touch that grounds the shot to that side..I imagine myself on a balcony looking down at this couple and the picture is very nice, BUT, it seems the shot needs a bit of upward rotation a is, it feels like all the "heavies" (shrubs and plants on the left side) are about to slide down the couple. ... maybe it is the lines of the concrete that gives me that feelings...who knows? Just a little nit, nothing to worry about...I am just talking about my feelings here...
Your responses aren't making any sense, any of them...what's going on?how can tree be purple? I hav only seen green tres befour is it photsphoped?![]()
Quick answer is I hate to crop an image. The tree was my center of interest when composing the shot and I was trying to fill the frame as much as possible. While setting up the shot, the couple moved into frame and I tried to quickly include them, eliminate most of the area in the foreground; which would be directly behind them. While reviewing the final capture, I wanted to keep the cast shadows intact and liked the leading line of the wrought iron fence.
Thanks for the comments and critique. I think part of your feeling of the lean is the angle at which I took this. I was standing ten stories above the couple and perhaps there is some distortion caused by the lens. I was hoping the cast shadows helped ground the image.
'Must be...sometimes the eyes can be deceiving especially when the imagination is running away with you, like in my case here imagining myself looking for above the couple...It feel like "weeeeee.........." the view is slipping but not really. I tried to avoid dizzying situations like this...