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For what it's worth, I resolved not to use filters, as I like backlit subjects, and good, expensive filters are, well, expensive.
It is true, sometimes a lens' front element gets dirty. I particularly hate the experience when I want to remove a lens cap which I had already removed: beautiful fingerprints! There is also the issue of protecting the front element from physical impact, but I never got this kind of damage in decades of photography.
The thing is: if I would equip each of my lenses with a filter (except the one which doesn't accept one anyway), I'd spend hundreds of (in my case) €. For this money, I could eventually replace a front element if this should turn out necessary once.
For the time being, I take care of my lenses, clean them as little as possible, and if I have to, then with as little physical impact and as careful as possible, removing any dust with a blower and brush before coming near to it with a cleaning tissue.