That is the trouble with Dandelions; they look attractive and are a great source of food for insect life, but they spread so easily!
You have managed to keep this shot bright but kept it just below the over exposure level.
Hate them here, as well.
Love the silvery-white color. Agreed with Geoff. You managed to retain detail in this area.
Nicely captured.
They do make a good subject though. Nice image.![]()
When my husband was weeding a few weeks back, I saw him getting all the dandelions off the grass in the backyard. I told him not to do that because I said I thought it was beautiful and that one day I will want to photograph them seeds...We had a little argument and somehow, I won the toss and the dandelions were spared. Now we have gazillions of them.and I had not taken a single image from any of them...yet. I like dandelions even if they multiply like crazies. And in this one you chose the artistic path. I admire you for that. It is a well exposed image too.
So Izzie, will you let your hubby now get them out? (Nearly impossible anyway)
Take one out, and 3 others take its' place.
Nice image....
The key to getting rid of dandelions is to get them when they have the yellow flowers showing and get all of the root. If you don't, it'll just sprout back in a couple of weeks. I usually hunt them after mowing the yard, noting where they are located as I mow, then going back afterwards for the KILL.
Very nice image and I agree with the comments from Geoff and Marie. Dandelion seeds are an important food for birds. In the UK Goldfinches (and other small finches) will eat them.
But the problem is: if you don't have the complete taproot, it will just come back. Some of those roots can go 2-3 feet deep, and it's easy to leave just a little piece of the taproot in the ground.
Hello new dandelion!
And....My front yard (and the rest of the street) has litterally 100s of dandelions - no way I can yank these out.
As an aside: I used to work with an Irish guy who told me that his grandfather used to make dandelion wine.
Not sure if he was kidding![]()
I once saw a tele-movie on an obscure channel once about a recently widowed guy who has about 3 children, the youngest of whom found a job next door removing dandelion in the garden for a penny per plant. She collected all of them and planted it on their garden. When the dad saw what she was doing, he started tossing them out. She cried and angrily put it back as fast he can removed tossed it out. She cried because she wasn't winning and the dad asked why she was planting the dandelions. Her reply? "Because Mommy loves them and she taught me how to love them too..." The dad ended up cuddling her. I love that story and will always remember it.
Bill just mowed it down now because he know it will grow again so in a way, I won...not much, but I'd like to feel I did because he tolerates my eccentricities...and the laughs I gave him along the way...he is sweet..,.![]()