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Thread: The Beauty of Faith

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    currently in Abu Dhabi

    The Beauty of Faith

    dear members,

    These pictures were from the outside of the Shaikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi and it is an architectural landmark in the Capital. The people called it as the Grand Mosque. It features dome after another dome. Takan at .6s f10 and ISO400, the colours emerged with vibrant display.



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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd June 2010 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Rui Lopes's Avatar
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    Rui Lopes

    Re: The Beauty of Faith

    I do love muslim architecture, specially mosques. This one is impressive owing the colours and the effect of the several domes. You captures are very pleaseant.
    Not sure about the camera used (I suspect that it was a Canon...) but assuming that you have taken it on a tripod (6sec. is too much for handheld pics.), I believe that the richness of the shapes and the lights definition would had benefit from the use of a lower ISO (200 or even 100, if possible).
    Anyway, very nice!

  3. #3

    Re: The Beauty of Faith

    I prefer #2. The composition in #1 is too tight, and I'm wanting to scroll down the shot to see what's at the bottom. Did you use a tripod as Rui queried above? They look a bit soft to me. I think you perhaps needed to use f/16 as you have quite a lot of focal range here - the buildings in the background and the arch in the foreground. In #2 the foreground arch looks much more in focus, yet the subject of the shot is surely the background buildings? Good colours, and a good scene.

    There must be a lot of interesting scenes to shoot there in AD. Are there any restrictions on what you can shoot?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    currently in Abu Dhabi

    Re: The Beauty of Faith

    Hi Rui,

    It was taken by NIKON D90 at 0.6s with tripod. I agreed that the shape could be sharper, perhaps using smaller aperture.

    Thanks for your compliments.


  5. #5

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    Re: The Beauty of Faith

    Quote Originally Posted by cksee View Post
    Hi Rui,

    It was taken by NIKON D90 at 0.6s with tripod. I agreed that the shape could be sharper, perhaps using smaller aperture.

    Thanks for your compliments.

    To my eye the focus & DoF look OK but the images are a little flat - need some sharpening, and possibly a small saturation or vibrance adjustment. I'd be happy to show you what I mean if you'd like.

  6. #6

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    currently in Abu Dhabi

    Re: The Beauty of Faith

    Hi Colin,

    Thanks and surely I would like your suggestions. I am still new to Lightroom.


  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Have a guess :)

    Re: The Beauty of Faith


    Here we go. In both cases I've raised the black clipping point to give the image more contrast in the shadows and mid-tones, used highlight recovery to give more contrast in the mid-tones and highlights, applied a little clarity (all of this in Adobe Camera RAW), and then in Photoshop, I've applied a little sharpening (300%, 0.3 pixel radius). Took about 30 seconds per image. I think you'll find the differences subtle but definately noticeable.

    The Beauty of Faith

    The Beauty of Faith

    PS: Both images had areas of blown highlight due to over-exposure; unfortunately I'm not able to easily do anything about them

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