This has been a great thread to follow. I haven't jumped in because the advice and support being given is a) top quality and, b) set out much better than I could do it.
But from the above statement, I think we see there is one lesson that we always need to take on. And that's the one about getting to know our camera like the back of our hand. I reckon 90+% of us get our hands on a camera, get the basics sorted and then go out there and don't take time to learn all the rest.
I'm not suggesting that Marie or anyone else is 'wrong' for not doing so, but as we can see from the above statement, once we do start to learn just what our cameras are capable of doing, we find a whole new set of opportunities opening up. So, that old adage about getting to know your camera so well that you don't need to look for any buttons and so that you could use it in the dark, is so true.