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Given that you are starting with flowers and macro, I would suggest the following starting kit (I am a Nikon shooter and value the wide availability of lenses and the large dynamic range of the sensors): Look for a used or refurbished D3200, D5200, or later body with a used Tamron 90 f/2.8 macro lens. You should be able to find these within your budget. The main "gotcha" is that Tamron does a very shaky job of identifying its various models of similar lenses. The Tamron 90 macro has had a multitude of incarnations, all good but some predating the inclusion of the BIM (built-in motor in Tamron-speak) which is necessary for auto-focusing to work with either of the lines of Nikon cameras I'm suggesting. Most of them will have the BIM, as that was added across the line a half-dozen years ago. But make sure before you buy. You will also want a tripod and some form of remote release (I like cable releases, some prefer the IR kind). The tripod may or may not fit in your initial budget. FWIW