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The reason for my question is that there is no "one size fits all" solution to printers. My Epson 3880, which is the bottom of the line Epson Pro printer can only handle prints up to 17" x 22", but can't handle anything less than an 8-1/2 x 11 format), so you have to look at where spend your hard earned money. In my case I either send my small prints out to a retail printer like Costco, or queue up the smaller formats on a sheet and use a paper cutter to cut them to size, which means I really run in multiples of 4 up on smaller sizes.
Larger printers that will handle prints up to 24" wide and starting prices are roughly 3 times the cost of my basic 17" printer, but can take roll paper, rather than sheet. If you want to go to a wider gamut printer (11 inks rather than the 9 my printer uses), double the price of the basic printer. You get the idea.
If you are looking at 40 prints a week; that is very low volume and even your most basic printer can knock out that quantity in a relatively short period (that's less than 6 prints a day; depending on the size, those are less than 30 minutes of work on even a very basic printer).
Those are the types of questions you are going to have to answer for yourself. As I've mentioned before, I know a number of pro photographers and they all have their own printer (guess why I ended up with the model I have; by chatting with them). They will farm out large print runs or large sizes to commercial printers and will use their own printer for rush jobs or small jobs.
You really have to figure out your needs before buying a printer. There is a lot of money tied up in the hardware, paper and inks.