I see no point to other than MFT as the others need bigger lens so you might as well suffer as a DSLR user*. But then I ended up with my second of three MFT with something which is like a DSLR but smaller .... Panasonic GH2 .... but still has a reasonable weight like my earlier 'big' Pany FZs ... largely from the lens, my 14-140 zoom.
I also have a simpler Olympus EPL-1 purchased purely for its IBIS for my legacy lenses ... which have never been fitted on it ... and it currently carries my 'fun' BugEye lens. Being used to Panasonic menus I find Olympus incomprehensible

I find those lauding Olympus cameras irritating purely on that basis in my ignorance of those top-line Oly's which folk rave about

None of my cameras has Wi-Fi and have no need for it as far as I can see ... obviously blind to progress
* true I expect there are compact lens which sacrifice speed for compactness which really is immaterial with modern sensors capable of high ISO for undemanding subjects/ viewers.
The only thing which I think I might like if I choose to divert funds from other interests would be a 25-600 zoom such as the Panasonic FZ200 has with its constant f/2.8 not that that either is important with a good sensor and higher compensating ISO.
So many conflicting arguments cancelling each other out these days it seems to me