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Thread: Documentary studio shot -- not artistic but challenging

  1. #21
    FeatherMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Documentary studio shot -- not artistic but challenging

    I suspect talking reflections to photographers was my bad. Suppose what I was trying to get at was the way something is embossed and it's invisible at a certain angle. Just wondered whether the ink was slightly thicker or even it's reflective qualities. Then with the slight adjustment made it flatter. Think I better step out now this is way above my pay grade and knowledge(suspect light physics) more thinking aloud.

    As for the Rorschach test of to Google, interesting though I see your way in the photo.

    I'll sneak back to the sidelines now. I've still got plenty to learn be fascinated if the answer is found.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Documentary studio shot -- not artistic but challenging

    Quote Originally Posted by FeatherMonkey View Post
    Suppose what I was trying to get at was the way something is embossed and it's invisible at a certain angle. Just wondered whether the ink was slightly thicker or even it's reflective qualities. Then with the slight adjustment made it flatter.
    All of those ideas are possibilities and great of you to suggest. However, I closely looked for all of those characteristics in the plaque before and after photographing it and I can't detect any of them. That's not to say that they aren't present at degrees that are too small to detect, but at least you and I thought about them.

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