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Thread: Epson Printing problems

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Rob Bristow

    Epson Printing problems

    Hello all.

    I have windows 7 64bit - printer Epson Stylus Pro 3800.

    Recently totally out of the blue my ink levels disappear (greyed out) ? despite fixing this temporarily on a couple of occasions it always reverts back into broken mode - spoken with Epson they have tried to assist but nothing works.

    The story continues - my computer dies also it is returned totally wiped with all my photos gone - thinking this might resolve the problem with a clean slate - no. There seems to be no communication between computer and printer pretty sure there must be a quick fix and I do not give up easily but this has me scratching one head a lot.

    Pretty sure I have the latest drivers from the UK Epson site but nothing. Any ideas - this cannot be just me.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Epson Printing problems

    There comes a time when you just have to let the manufacturer get there hands on the equipment.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Epson Printing problems

    The first thing I would try is a new USB cable to connect the printer to the computer. If it is a communication issue, this is the easiest thing to test. That being said, given the other issues you are having with both pieces of equipments suggest something more serious is wrong. I assume you've done a "cold" restart on the printer (shut it down, unplug it for a minute and then power it up again).

    I'd pack it up and ship it back to Epson for repair.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    Rob Bristow

    Re: Epson Printing problems

    Thanks for the replies off to Epson time

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