This picture I have clicked during my visit to a tribal area in Dang district of Gujarat State, India. Kindly share your C & C.
IMG_6795 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
This picture I have clicked during my visit to a tribal area in Dang district of Gujarat State, India. Kindly share your C & C.
IMG_6795 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Nicely framed, angle shot at really moves the eyes within the composition.
Excellent environmental group portrait! However, I am not sure if I don't like a square crop, eliminating the subject at image left.
The quality, of course, would be better if the square image were not cropped from a copy of the posted image.
Which ever way, I do like this image and would love to see more of your images of people from that area.
I prefer the first image, Tejal because it shows a common way of life of these people...I love the framing too like John (Shadowman) described...this looks to me more like an image on Page 2 of a magazine describing the lifestyle of these people...
Hi TejalAlthough I like Richard's crop I prefer your original image as it shows the environment better. IMO the image needs a bit more sharpening ( If the faces look strange after sharpening, you can always erase some of it with a soft brush
When looking at the first image, I was wondering if it was level but couldn't decide. Richard's crop clearly proves that a bit of rotation would be helpful.
It appears that two different scenes can be had from the original. Both options have their merits and make excellent photographs.