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Thread: Bewl Water HDR

  1. #1
    ionian's Avatar
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    Bewl Water HDR

    A couple more shots from my walks today, continuing the HDR experiments. Again, these are from the 1100D with the kit lens and a polarising filter. As before, comments on processes are appreciated, as is general help on photography on featureless, overcast days (although I am content with these images, I have many that are just featureless masses of grey and dark green - but this may just be what you get with lakes on cloudy days in the afternoon).

    Bewl Water HDR

    Bewl Water HDR
    Last edited by ionian; 25th May 2015 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Bewl Water HDR

    One thing to look for on overcast days are bright colors. Search for interesting subjects when the lighting is limited. Nice processing on the first and conversion on the second.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Bewl Water HDR

    Simon - I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why you are using HDRI for these shots. None of these images have a high dynamic range and can be captured without worrying about blocking shadow detail or blowing out highlights; the reason one might want to shoot HDRI.

  4. #4
    ionian's Avatar
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    Re: Bewl Water HDR

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Simon - I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why you are using HDRI for these shots. None of these images have a high dynamic range and can be captured without worrying about blocking shadow detail or blowing out highlights; the reason one might want to shoot HDRI.
    I'm going to be honest - I used HDR because I could, not because I should, because I was excited about the images I captured with it the day before and wanted more! I didn't stop to consider if I should be using it...

    I'll have a look at the correctly exposed images when I get home from work, and maybe as an exercise see if I can create a similar effect to the images above without combining shots.

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