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I would strongly suggest that you look at the kit that other wedding photographers use and then build on that.
While I have not been to an Indian wedding, I do know they tend to be rather large, long drawn out affairs that go on for quite some time and any coverage would have to include day and night shooting. The wedding photographers that I know have a minimum of two full-frame cameras and around four or five different professional lenses plus speedlights for each body as a basic kit. Spare batteries for cameras and flash and lots of memory cards. The reason for a minimum of two cameras / flash and some overlap in lenses is backup should one fail. And the equipment does fail, so the redundancy is a requirement.
A single crop frame body with a kit lens + a lower end longer zoom lens for portrait work is simply not going to cut it. The wedding photographers I know primarily work in jpeg and the bulk of the shots that they use are straight out of the camera (auto-white balance is NEVER used).
As one of them put it to me; he spends less than 30 seconds on an image in getting things cleaned up for a client (30 seconds per image and 2000 images shot at a wedding is well over 16 hours of post-wedding work!).