Over the years, I have been collecting images of textures. I am not sure what I was going to do with them but they have a fascination for me. More recently, I have been experimenting with developing images which concentrate on patterns, but include parts that show interesting textures. It is the small scale patterns that I wanted to show rather than the larger forms.
1. Lonely leaf
2. Feral bee hive. This was high on a tree and therefore it is fairly heavily cropped. The hive is quite open as shown here. I would have liked to have avoided the heavy reflections from the bees wings but don't know how to do it in pp. I was mainly interested in the pattern of the cells.
3. Spotted gum, with a butterfly as an optional extra
4. Discarded snake skin. I have posted another image of the same thing before.
5. Eucalyptus (or corymbia) tessellaris.
6. Another tree. I think this is called a stringy bark.