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Thread: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

  1. #21
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    I'm on a stupid phone right now and no way am I going to "thumb" up a proper response (much to everyone's delight I'm sure!), but if you're looking to place cameras and lights that close to a subject in a 360 degree circle, and fire everything at once, I would think you would be in for a lens flare nightmare.

  2. #22

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Now Ted ... naughty naughty, this is a serious conversation

  3. #23
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Why is that word being used? According to WikiPedia:

    "The focale (plural focalia), also known as a sudarium ("sweat cloth"), was a woolen or linen scarf worn by ancient Roman military personnel. It protected the neck from chafing by the armor."

    Just my pedantic tuppence-worth
    Ah'm assuming by the person's name that English is not his/her first language. Focale means focal length in French and focus in Italian and probably the same in that native language. So perfectly ok tae use in this sense.

    In the Roman scarf name, the e is pronounced thus - focalé - as in French. Very different from the usage here...

    Just my pedantic tuppence-worth

  4. #24

    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    a head is 20 cm radius? I don't think so, diameter maybe.

  5. #25

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Ah'm assuming by the person's name that English is not his/her first language. Focale means focal length in French and focus in Italian and probably the same in that native language. So perfectly ok tae use in this sense
    I am French, I must have typed too fast

    a head is 20 cm radius? I don't think so, diameter maybe.

  6. #26

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Quote Originally Posted by Eildosa View Post
    I am French, I must have typed too fast
    I apologize. Your English is certainly better than my 1950's schoolboy French

  7. #27

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    I apologize. Your English is certainly better than my 1950's schoolboy French
    No need^^ it did not offend me, do correct me, it is normal that you have trouble understanding me if I'm not using the right word.
    Plus it will improve my English.

  8. #28

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    As a youth I was sent to Belgium from the UK for a week's holiday and went to a cinema show ... foreign language to me with subtitles in two other languages which I didn't know either

    edit ...I wonder why the thread title is loosing many if not all the letters in it . they come and go

  9. #29

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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    Allright, so I got a Canon 1100D with a 18-55 kit lens, then today I also got a 50mm prime lens.

    A quick refreshing about what I need :
    Functional pictures used to reconstruct a 3d model, by that I mean that the pictures won't necessary be pretty/artistic
    Less noise possible
    More sharp possible
    Higher resolution is better
    Lens distortion will be measured and corrected during reconstruction
    facial/perspective distortion does not matter

    Here I took 2 shot :
    Autofocus on the left eye, No image stabilisation, Tripod, 2 sec timer, Mirror lock, F11, ISO 100, Tv 1/100, Forced flash

    Personally I don't really see a difference, but I'm no photograph.
    Your thoughts?

    Also the camera is 75cm (29.52 inches) away from the head, I think I'm gonna need 30mm lens because the scanner would be much too big with 50mm lenses.

  10. #30
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for a DSLR with razor sharp pic for an indoor close range use

    The main reason for suggesting the two lenses is that they are (a) very common, so there is likely a good second hand market for them and (b) they are the two least expensive lenses out there. Anything else is likely going to be harder to source on the second hand market and is bound to cost more.

    Somewhere around a 30 mm lens (28mmm - 35mm) is going to give you results that are close to what a "normal" lens will give you on a full-frame camera with your 1.6x crop camera body.

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