Trevor I just responded to your other post of Renewal and thought you were taking a rest from these kind of shots...oh well, I think it has a tinge of blue on this whole shot, mate...
This is my default genre. If I could have inserted an old building into the deer pelvis shot I would have. I had to settle for a derelict and decrepit bone. I am not straying too far from my comfort zone.
Not that it is not present, I just don't see the blue tinge. I actually thought I had warmed the image up a bit from the original.
Lightbox is doing funny things to the image, when I first clicked on image framing was square; now I'm getting 16:9 frame. Nicely captured, I noticed a bit of blue in the foreground shadows but I think my eyes have adjusted to the capture.
Bottom left corner shadow area is a fraction on the blue side but as you move towards the centre everything looks correct to me. Probably just a strange effect from a rather low angle sun?
I see now what all three of you noticed. I deepened the shadows to emphasize the furrows and tree shadows, the intent being to develop the leading lines in the image. In the process the shadows became more blue than perhaps is desirable. i will mull this over and decide if it needs to be amended. The sky was uniform blue so perhaps it is true to life.
I like the image, the light if nice and warm
Nice one Trevor!