Hi, this is my first post but not my first visit to this excellent website full of useful information. Thank you for that.
I´m in the mood for switch from the Canon 5D system to the Sony Alpha (A7r) system, keeping part of my Canon and Carl Zeiss glass. Canon DSLRs, in spite of their robust semi-pro bodies, reached a point for me with more "cons" than "pros": too heavy, too expensive to upgrade with small benefits (body and glass), less dynamic range, less megapixels (5DMIII), or a lot of megapixels (5Ds/R) but the same "low" dynamic range, no 4K in camera (I also do commercial video), etc.
My camera (5DMIII) is still a well balanced photo/video camera but outdated in 2015. Better photos with Nikons and better video with Sony and Panasonic (or even BMD, etc).
My main concern is on the photographic side. I usually find problems like posterization and banding while working with RAW files (Do not work with jpeg). Is the problem, the low 11 bit Canon files vs the 14 bit Nikon/Sony files?
Still I´ve this doubt about the lossy way Sony manage the RAW files.
Here´s is the explanation:
This is a disappointment because A Sony A7R is cheaper, less heavy and allow to use legacy manual glass (I own some) than a Nikon D810...
Is this Lossy RAW treatment really bad? Really visible?
Would like very much to have the opinion of this forum.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.