I inadvertently disturbed a robin's nest while tidying up along the roadside outside our home a few days ago. I was strimming long grass when a robin flew out. Close examination revealed a nest and I threw some cuttings around the spot in an effort to restore some cover for the nest which was now very exposed. I have been cautiously monitoring the outcome and (especially for people like me who are 'for the birds') I am happy to have captured these three images. They are all quick shots as I didn't wish to linger.
Life goes on!
Nikon Df and Tamron 28-300mm PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f6.3, ISO 1250.
Nikon Df and Tamron 28-300mm PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f8, ISO 1400.
Nikon Df and Tamron 28-300mm PZD at 300mm. 1/320 at f6.3, ISO 1400.