Nice focus on the eyes, good conversion.
Nicely done, I like the crop.
Melania - I think you nailed this one just about perfectly. Your eyes are perfectly sharp and while there is a touch of softness around the nose, it does not detract at all.
I might be tempted to dodge the dark areas around your right eye (camera left) and burn in the tip of the nose a touch, just to add a bit more overall balance to the shot.
Last edited by Manfred M; 31st May 2015 at 07:40 PM. Reason: typo
I like the crop and the conversion very much
Very nice shot Melania, i agree with everything said by the others. Love the "sparkle" in your eyes.
Hi Melania,
In addition to Manfred's suggestions, there's one very bright, 'smeared' hair top right of frame that I'd consider cloning out if this were mine.
As others have said; great focus and crop - a real attention grabber - well done.
Hi Melania!
Hey, just for the sake of conversation I’m going to toss something out there for your consideration.
But before I do let me just say I like your self-portrait. You have beautiful, mesmerizing eyes! I really like the way you have finished the shot. I’m a huge fan of mono portraits.
I took a peek at the EXIF on this shot but it didn’t tell me what I was looking for. Which is what lens you used and at what distance. So just know I could be way off here.
I was wondering if you think its possible that you may have a bit of barrel distortion with this?
I was curious so I gave it a little test “correction”. Just to satisfy my own curiosity if nothing else. Now, I have no idea if it is better or worser and it’s a fairly slight adjustment, so I just thought I’d toss it out to see what you think.
Just for the sake of conversation! Its probably my eyes that are suffering from distortion!