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Thread: Two birdies...for C&C

  1. #21
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Two birdies...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Barbara Ponder View Post
    Izzie #2 is lovely, small BIF are difficult because they move so much more erratically especially in the backyard environment where there is not a lot of room. Ducks at the park may be a better place to get your BIF shot. Or maybe out in the country. The smaller the area the harder to get it in flight has been my limited experience.
    Sorry..I lost my Like button...I will go back to this tomorrow morning and put one... I have butt shots ones and it is not worth it really...I have my ISO on auto already so I do not have to worry about that one. I tried putting my setting to Aperture Priority but I am still confused with it. Shutter Priority, I have to go back to my manual as it has been since the last airplane shots I've used this...and we are going to a flying event next week...I am getting well behind the camera setting practice, Barbara...I have to update myself...

    Thank you for passing by and commenting. I appreciate it very much...

  2. #22

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    Re: Two birdies...for C&C

    I am a bit late to the party on this one. Your cardinal is lovely. A faster shutter speed and focus on the head of the robin would have helped. For some reason I personally find robins are hard to get a good image of. Keep practicing, you are getting better with each post

  3. #23
    CaolIla's Avatar
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    Two birdies...for C&C

    I too vote for the Cardinal. Even with better focusing on the Robin a birdpic from above seldom look good.

  4. #24
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Two birdies...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by CaolIla View Post
    I too vote for the Cardinal. Even with better focusing on the Robin a birdpic from above seldom look good.
    Thank you Rita and Mats for your comments and feedback. I really appreciate them very much.

    Mats, you were right! I was way up too much. Tomorrow on my practice I will put down my tarp and position myself on the grass at the other side of the bird feeder...see what I can get. I did get some flying ones but I only had my 70-300mm but I was able to get about 4 better shots of the small BIF, all sparrows but nothing notable really...I will use my bigger lens for sure. And also try a BIF of the Blue Jay and the Robin on the fence instead...thanks again.

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