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Thread: Hi From Cambridge =)

  1. #1

    Hi From Cambridge =)

    Hi All Photographer =)

    I'm from Turkey .Im a photographer.
    I came cambridge 1 week ago.
    I like the city but I dont know exactly where I should take photos?

    I took some photos but I want to take sunset or more landscape photos
    or some collages

    I think that this web site has many good photographer in cambridge=)
    Can you list the places and I can go there to take photos ?

    Thanks For All Help =)
    (Im sorry about my english =))

  2. #2

    Re: Hi From Cambridge =)

    Hi Furkan

    I lived in Cambridge for 10 years. It's very flat, so unless you go out to the fens to get sunsets (which can be very good) you are really left with the fine buildings in Cambridge. I'd suggest the 'backs' behind Trinity College etc, where you will get a nice colour from the setting sun against the stonework. Ah! Cambridge, how I miss Cambridge....

    have a look at this one (not by me) of Fulbourn, near Cambridge MONOCHROME Mini Competition #18

    I like your Flickr shots, but your website just gives me a black page with some Turkish(?) text. No shots.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2010
    Toronto ON Canada
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    Re: Hi From Cambridge =)

    I lived in Cambridge for 10 months in 1988-89. The time flies and it has been 20+ years. I hope that I can go back one day.

    I think that River back with three famous colleges is the best of Cambridge.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Cambridge, UK
    Real Name

    Re: Hi From Cambridge =)

    Well, here's a start;


    The Cambridge Tourist Information Centre
    Peas Hill
    CB2 3AD which is on the right hand side of the Guildhall as seen from the Market Square..about 20 metres down, I think.

    And here's one of my pics;

    Hi From Cambridge =)



  5. #5

    Re: Hi From Cambridge =)

    thanks all =)
    my website has some problems now sorry

    Where can I take photo where is high to see all cambridge

    can I ask to tourist information center that where can I take photos ?

    If you give More infortmation to me , I will be very happy

    thanks all

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