They're getting their knickers in a twist yet again over here on my "home" forum:
Folks are sending their cameras off to Sigma for AF re-adjustment on multiple occasions, agonizing over this lens vs. that, etc. etc.
Also consider that the forum (Sigma) has no 135 format "full frame" cameras in it, thus making "razor-thin DOF" almost a non-factor except perhaps for the f/1.4 crowd.
Enter your resident Philistine (me) who really couldn't care less if the focus is an inch or two off in a few yards or more away. Or a foot or more in a hundred yards away, e.g., it doesn't matter to me which leaves are in perfect focus in an oblique shot of a row of trees (hyperfocal matters notwithstanding).
Having said that, please allow me to explain my personal view.
- I don't go normally below f/5.6 (seeking best sharpness, i.e. lack of abberation).
- I normally prefer quite a bit of DOF in my shots, near or far, and will use up to f/16 to get it if necessary - recovering with LR deconvolution sharpness in post.
- None of my cameras or lenses have sufficient resolution even to worry about it.
If focus accuracy is important for the occasional shot, e.g. close-up of a coin surface or a watch dial, I'll focus-bracket with several separate shots, bearing in mind that any amount of front or back focus for such shots is more like a millimeter or fractions thereof.
So I'm trying say that, to me, the back/front focus issue is unimportant.
However, I would be interested to read comments from those that do find it important and, if so, how they fix it (apart from CDAF, live magnified view and manual focus, that is).