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Thread: Raw + jpeg

  1. #1
    FeatherMonkey's Avatar
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    Raw + jpeg

    Happened to accidently put the camera onto just raw, got me thinking that I didn't actually need the jpeg.

    So was curious do people actually use the jpeg in their work flow? Or is it just as an incase or is that the raw?

    So really how do people use the jpeg in their work flow if catching both?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg


    Lengthy discussion already in progress.

    RAW vs JPEG

    95% of the time I'll just shoot RAW, but sometimes while in the field I'll convert an image in camera (either Quick Retouch or D-Lighting) just to see if I need to reshoot. The Quick Retouch/D-Lighting is a function on Nikon cameras and the conversion is saved as a jpeg.
    Last edited by Shadowman; 17th June 2015 at 01:42 PM. Reason: added text

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg

    Much of the work I post is a jpeg and as long as my exposure was good and I don't need to do major surgery, the image will be 100% good enough to post on a website. No hassle or worrying about a lot of processing as the camera actually does a really good job. After all; all the images I post to the web end up as being jpegs anyways.

    Now, I admit that for certain images and to keep my skill level up, a lot of my work that I post to CiC is from RAW, but by no means all of it. Panoramas or images with a lot of dynamic range or images that I will need to do a lot of manipulation to (especially in the blue channel), I will use the raw data.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg

    As John noted, there is a recent and very long discussion of this.

    You're the best judge of whether it is useful to you. Unlike Manfred, I found the jpegs pretty much useless for me, and like Richard, who was writing his post below as I was writing mine, I haven't shot raw+jpeg in years, but that's just me. I don't shoot thousands of images in one session, as wedding photographers do, and I find the time needed to do basic edits to a raw file trivial.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg

    I mentioned this on another discussion...

    When I first shot digital, I shot in JPEG. Then, I shot in JPEG + RAW because I was not sure of my ability to work with RAW.

    Then I stopped shooting the JPEG because I never touched the RAW files.

    However, I will shoot JPEG + RAW when I am visiting my family in Texas. My sister-in-law is the "official family photographer" but she works in nothing but JPEG. I shoot RAW + JPEG so I can just copy the JPEG family snapshot files I shoot ahd give them to her. I don't really like giving my unedited images but, my wife and her sister decided on that system. HAPPY WIFE - HAPPY LIFE!

    I even shoot RAW with my new toy, the Canon SX50 HS.

  6. #6
    FeatherMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg

    Cheers for that Richard, John, Manfred and Dan not sure how I missed/forgot the other thread.

    I concur I'm not bothering with jpeg have to say whilst minimal I do see a slight difference on burst, how I noticed it.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Raw + jpeg

    I tend to shoot RAW all the time now with my new soon as I get to the hotel, I just dump every file in my laptop and never touch them until I get home and have time to work on it on my desktop...

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