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Thread: Teaching

  1. #1

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    I thought I would like to share a story from today at school.
    I teach BTEC photography at level 1 - 3. I have a talented photographer who is autistic. He took a photo of a swan gliding through rippling water with a lovely reflection. This image & others formed part of a presentation for a unit called 'Creative Camera Techniques'. In addition he had water shots where he had used grad filters & little stoppers & focus stacking, panning & a few other images where he had used long exposure techniques. After spending a lengthy time mounting the photo's & showing them off to other teachers, his own peers & a few outsiders, he came back in & said 'that swan is s**t, trashed it & walked out. After several hours later, he managed to draw an image he would like to take of a swan!
    Still water, no ripples, sun behind, reflection, pure white, award winning etc, etc, etc,
    Explain that immediately, accurately, briefly, with clarity to an autistic 16 yr old who wants to know why I can't take him tomorrow to make the shot!!!
    He is a great kid bye the way......

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Teaching

    Quote Originally Posted by Andybazyoung View Post
    I thought I would like to share a story from today at school.
    I teach BTEC photography at level 1 - 3. I have a talented photographer who is autistic. He took a photo of a swan gliding through rippling water with a lovely reflection. This image & others formed part of a presentation for a unit called 'Creative Camera Techniques'. In addition he had water shots where he had used grad filters & little stoppers & focus stacking, panning & a few other images where he had used long exposure techniques. After spending a lengthy time mounting the photo's & s.howing them off to other teachers, his own peers & a few outsiders, he came back in & said 'that swan is s**t, trashed it & walked out. After several hours later, he managed to draw an image he would like to take of a swan!
    Still water, no ripples, sun behind, reflection, pure white, award winning etc, etc, etc,
    Explain that immediately, accurately, briefly, with clarity to an autistic 16 yr old who wants to know why I can't take him tomorrow to make the shot!!!
    He is a great kid bye the way......
    Nice story Andy, he sounds quite advanced with his photography for a 16 year old. He also seems to have an artistic temperament ! He must be creative.


  3. #3
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Re: Teaching

    He sounds as though he has a talent worth developing.

    Having an Aspergic daughter, I know how difficult it can be to deliver feedback in a way that will be accepted and not lead to frustration and general despondency. How did the talk go? Did he accept that what he wants might not be possible?

  4. #4

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    Re: Teaching

    He is advanced for his age, but he thinks he knows everything about everything! However, when questioned & asked carry out a technique he says he knows, but doesn't, teddy bears are throw. So, need often to be a little creative how things are put to him.

  5. #5

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    Re: Teaching

    Hi Max,
    In the end yes he accepted, or at least said he did. He has said that before but still will rumble on for ages! We did manage to move on with a different task but it did take all day.

  6. #6

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    Re: Teaching

    Andy...dealing with/teaching those who are different requires a completely different mindset.
    They have differences that most cannot conceive without the constant interaction with them.

    We must ourselves learn to put ourselves in their shoes to understand how they learn and
    remember, that they, like most of us, learn in different ways. One size doesn't fit all.

  7. #7
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Re: Teaching

    Andy, sounds as though you did good. It is generally difficulty switching view and frustration (which come off as stubbornness and aggression) that present challenges to both parties, but sounds as though it was resolved well. Good idea to do another task. Give him a chance to settle down about that first one.

    Keep going with him. Sounds as though he is going to produce some great things.

  8. #8

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    Re: Teaching

    Great story, Andy! You do such great work. I hope your group is doing well.

  9. #9

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    Re: Teaching

    Mike, they are nearing a successful completion of a very long academic year of discovery.
    Traditional education is fraught with blood sweat & tears. I've been teaching these young people for 14 years now & a week never goes by without highs of joy, laughter & achievement. Unfortunately, it's metered with, at times, sheer frustration. Such like today, I got the backlash of yesterday's efforts - ouch!
    Unexpectedly though, we ended the day with a game of basketball 1 on 1.
    He won.. Therefore I won, we both won - hope that makes sense.

  10. #10

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    Re: Teaching

    Max, we tried to look at strengths & weaknesses today. However, yesterday still rumbled on, aggressively at times. BUT, we did end the day well, so tomorrow, fingers crossed, should see the completion of what we wanted to do initially.

  11. #11

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    Re: Teaching

    Quote Originally Posted by Andybazyoung View Post
    He won. Therefore I won, we both won - hope that makes sense.
    Perfect sense!

  12. #12

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    Re: Teaching

    You are so right, one size certainly does not fit all.
    Sometimes we get it right, sometimes not.
    But, we try to make the journey of the young people in our care, a safe, happy and full of self discovery.

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