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I thought I would like to share a story from today at school.
I teach BTEC photography at level 1 - 3. I have a talented photographer who is autistic. He took a photo of a swan gliding through rippling water with a lovely reflection. This image & others formed part of a presentation for a unit called 'Creative Camera Techniques'. In addition he had water shots where he had used grad filters & little stoppers & focus stacking, panning & a few other images where he had used long exposure techniques. After spending a lengthy time mounting the photo's & s.howing them off to other teachers, his own peers & a few outsiders, he came back in & said 'that swan is s**t, trashed it & walked out. After several hours later, he managed to draw an image he would like to take of a swan!
Still water, no ripples, sun behind, reflection, pure white, award winning etc, etc, etc,
Explain that immediately, accurately, briefly, with clarity to an autistic 16 yr old who wants to know why I can't take him tomorrow to make the shot!!!
He is a great kid bye the way......