Hi Andrew,
I agree with Mike, however, me being me, I feel the need to go into detail - please don't be discouraged.
The building has so many elements that all attract viewers attention, they (sadly) completely overwhelm the concept. Although I can appreciate that it was probably a breezy spot and, in motion, the feelings were quite powerful for you at the time.
Capturing that in a still, 2D image not only requires skill, but also a sympathetic 'palette' to work with - you just didn't have the latter here, I'm afraid.
I don't shoot landscapes because most often the world we live in doesn't allow me to get the compositions I desire - and I'm too lazy to try hard enough. Shooting a weatherscape, especially featuring something as invisible as the wind, is even harder - and I'm too impatient to wait for the weather and then get myself to the good locations.
This is one of those shots from which I hope we can learn a lot, I say "we", not "you", because we all need the occasional refresher in really thinking about how best to capture our feelings of the moment and also avoidance of non-contributory elements in the composition.
I viewed the image before reading your text, I saw a building on the left with lots of detail;
the two colourful signs (and the electric cables)
the two pipes
the windows
the reflections of the more distant building
the curtains/blinds
the CCTV dome camera
oh yes - plus some trees and some sky.
I only noticed the 'wind in tree' blur after I had read your text and looked for it carefully (given that the edges of trees are quite still and sharp), perhaps other, more obvious, branches moved in a different instants of time?
It is a good concept, worth another try when the weather cooperates and you can find a simpler composition.
Andrew, I hope you and other readers find the above useful - please don't be discouraged.