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Thread: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

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    we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    First let me thank all of you who took the time to share their thoughts, opinions, camera knowledge and general all around encouragement.

    If everything works as it should by this time next week I will be trying to understand all the bells and whistles on the Alpha.

    It will be a while before new lenses and accessories (lighting be high on the list) become doable. But when it is time be prepared for many more questions from me.

    Talking about questions here be one: Sensors get their defining measurements from pre-transistor vacuum tubes. Which makes me wonder where the term 'medium format camera' comes from.

    Thanks again for everyone's help.


  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Congrats on your new toy B

  3. #3

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by deetheturk View Post
    Congrats on your new toy B
    hopefully more than a toy. I am hoping for a noticeable improvement in picture quality which will lead to an increased readership of the blog and from there to a little more Peace in the world. Which doesn't mean it won't have some toy like joy for me.

  4. #4
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Exciting news Brian, I'm sure you will enjoy the Sony, there are some great Sigma and Tamron lenses for it as well as the Sony's but they can be a bit pricey.
    Have fun

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Have fun.

  6. #6

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    How exciting for you. Look forward to seeing what you capture with it

  7. #7

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    It's so good to know that your new camera purchase will lead to world peace. Thank you for making that sacrifice on behalf of mankind.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    It's so good to know that your new camera purchase will lead to world peace. Thank you for making that sacrifice on behalf of mankind.
    What can I say I am noble to a fault... and I'm humble too. But on a serious note my main blog has had over 330,000 hits and has a readership that circles the globe. It deals almost exclusively with Wisdom and Peace. I doubt that world peace will be the result but one or two people with an easier mind is not a bad thing.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    How exciting for you. Look forward to seeing what you capture with it
    So am I. But a small reality check. My S4200 got me through kindergarden and elementary school. This new beast will take some learning before I see much improvement. In all likelihood a drop in quality will follow its arrival in a week or so.

  10. #10

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    one or two people with an easier mind is not a bad thing.
    Seriously, if that is primarily the result of your blog, you have accomplished something of great importance.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Seriously, if that is primarily the result of your blog, you have accomplished something of great importance.

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Talking about questions here be one: Sensors get their defining measurements from pre-transistor vacuum tubes. Which makes me wonder where the term 'medium format camera' comes from.
    That's an easy one to answer, Brian.

    In the beginning of modern film photography, sheet film was the common and cameras used 4" x 5", 5" x 7", 8" x 10", even 11" x 14" sheet film. These exist even today (vew cameras and field cameras). These were referred to as large format cameras. Even the Speed Graphic cameras that were in use by newspaper photographers in the 1940s through into the 1960's were sheet film cameras. These were collectively known as "large format cameras".

    Along comes Oskar Barnack of Ernst Leitz GMBH and he builds a camera based on a double frame of motion picture film and we start down the historical path of the "small format camera" that ultimately ends up as our full-frame DSLR.

    In the middle comes another innovation; a series of cameras based on roll film; the twin lens reflex Rolleiflex, Hasseblad Bronica, some of the Mamiya line, etc using a 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" (5cm x 5cm) and slight variations (6cm x 7cm) roll film (called 120 or 220 size (the difference being that 220 rolls were twice as long as 120 rolls). These were collectively known as medium format.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 21st June 2015 at 06:17 PM.

  13. #13

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Brian, your subject matter, IMHO, lends itself to a macro with a longer minimum focusing distance
    that can do double duty to other subject matter as well.

  14. #14
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Hi Brian,

    that's a good deal there and a lot of camera for the money. In the future, when/if ye expand the lens collection, remember that Minolta AF lenses fit the Sony A mount . Some really high quality bargains can be had for very little money.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    That's an easy one to answer, Brian.

    In the beginning of modern film photography, sheet film was the common and cameras used 4" x 5", 5" x 7", 8" x 10", even 11" x 14" sheet film. These exist even today (vew cameras and field cameras). These were referred to as large format cameras. Even the Speed Graphic cameras that were in use by newspaper photographers in the 1940s through into the 1960's were sheet film cameras. These were collectively known as "large format cameras".

    Along comes Oskar Barnack of Ernst Leitz GMBH and he builds a camera based on a double frame of motion picture film and we start down the historical path of the "small format camera" that ultimately ends up as our full-frame DSLR.

    In the middle comes another innovation; a series of cameras based on roll film; the twin lens reflex Rolleiflex, Hasseblad Bronica, some of the Mamiya line, etc using a 2-1/4" x 2-1/4" (5cm x 5cm) and slight variations (6cm x 7cm) roll film (called 120 or 220 size (the difference being that 220 rolls were twice as long as 120 rolls). These were collectively known as medium format.
    There is no doubt that this is a passion with all sorts of history and fascinating details. I love it.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by tao2 View Post
    Hi Brian,

    that's a good deal there and a lot of camera for the money. In the future, when/if ye expand the lens collection, remember that Minolta AF lenses fit the Sony A mount . Some really high quality bargains can be had for very little money.
    My mothers people came from Glasgow this be advice I'll no forget.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    Brian, your subject matter, IMHO, lends itself to a macro with a longer minimum focusing distance
    that can do double duty to other subject matter as well.
    You may be right but my wife and I have made a deal. The S4200 got me through kindergarten and elementary school. This set-up will be the one that gets me through high-school. Once I graduate lenses are next and hopefully they will get me a B.A.

    Lord help the budget if I decide to go for a Masters/Doctoral

  18. #18
    Ndukes's Avatar
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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    We all look forward to watching you progress through high-school. You will graduate with distinction.

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    Re: we clicked the shutter and ordered the Sony Alpha a58

    Quote Originally Posted by Ndukes View Post
    We all look forward to watching you progress through high-school. You will graduate with distinction.

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