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Thread: Boat

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Melania Arcese



  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    Nicely exposed image.

  3. #3
    Kaye Leggett's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    Lovely colours. I am intrigued by the title as for me the boat is not prominent

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Boat

    I suspect this image needs to be seen at a bigger size to fully appreciate all the fine details.

  5. #5

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    Re: Boat

    Nice image, I like the colors, I agree with Geoff about the need for a bigger size of the image

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Melania Arcese

    Re: Boat

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I suspect this image needs to be seen at a bigger size to fully appreciate all the fine details.
    You're right

  7. #7
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    Looks like a lonely boat.

  8. #8
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    I like the image and the title. The image for its colour and drama and the title for its tounge in cheek feel.
    Very nice Melania

  9. #9
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    When I view this photo I see isolation, both of the boat, and the land, except what is included in the center of the extreme RH side.
    Although the title suggests the viewer is going to see a lager image of a boat, IMHO it is a very dramatic shot.


  10. #10

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    Re: Boat

    This may well be my own strangeness but I am forced to look for other boats (4?) in this shot. This is not to say I don't like the shot, I do.

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Boat

    Hi Melania,

    That's a very interesting set of shorelines there.

    Here's what I thought viewing the image, these all flipped through my head in a few split seconds;
    - the boat is too central
    + but the shorelines are interesting and the composition for them is good
    - the horizon is at 50%, should have considered rule of thirds
    + that sky is also interesting and is nicely exposed
    + the wind ripples on the water are also interesting
    + I like the atmospherics of spray/fog/mist between the distant land and the very distant darker hills behind
    + good overall focus and DoF (at this size)

    That's more pluses than minuses

    Overall, the image makes me think that the boat looks ready to go, but has no crew, but then looking at the weather and the sea beyond, I can't say I'm surprised.

    I suspect that it could be weeks, months or even years, before the weather and light coincided to produce similar combination of light, cloud, sea state, atmospherics, etc. to be able to re-shoot.

    The boat was obvious to me, the secondary ones on the shore to right, are so small and dark that they didn't initially register in my consciousness.

    If this shot were mine, I would consider these ideas;
    crop off the extreme right hand edge to lose the red/white thing
    crop a little off the sky across the top to raise the horizon toward the upper third line
    present it bigger 1600 x (approx.) 750
    clone moving the boat to be nearer the top left or lower right third intersections, although this might spoil the thoughts I had about it being ready (in terms of its position), to venture out of the natural harbour.
    Desaturate the blue boat on the shore to right
    When viewed bigger, other small elements might become 'attention distractors' and need further PP to deal with

    I do like the shot, well done.

    If that's 'the Med.' - it's not how I remember it, but then I've only seen a few parts of it on sunny days - and that was 40+ years ago

    Hope that helps, Dave

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Melania Arcese

    Re: Boat

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Melania,

    That's a very interesting set of shorelines there.

    Here's what I thought viewing the image, these all flipped through my head in a few split seconds;
    - the boat is too central
    + but the shorelines are interesting and the composition for them is good
    - the horizon is at 50%, should have considered rule of thirds
    + that sky is also interesting and is nicely exposed
    + the wind ripples on the water are also interesting
    + I like the atmospherics of spray/fog/mist between the distant land and the very distant darker hills behind
    + good overall focus and DoF (at this size)

    That's more pluses than minuses

    Overall, the image makes me think that the boat looks ready to go, but has no crew, but then looking at the weather and the sea beyond, I can't say I'm surprised.

    I suspect that it could be weeks, months or even years, before the weather and light coincided to produce similar combination of light, cloud, sea state, atmospherics, etc. to be able to re-shoot.

    The boat was obvious to me, the secondary ones on the shore to right, are so small and dark that they didn't initially register in my consciousness.

    If this shot were mine, I would consider these ideas;
    crop off the extreme right hand edge to lose the red/white thing
    crop a little off the sky across the top to raise the horizon toward the upper third line
    present it bigger 1600 x (approx.) 750
    clone moving the boat to be nearer the top left or lower right third intersections, although this might spoil the thoughts I had about it being ready (in terms of its position), to venture out of the natural harbour.
    Desaturate the blue boat on the shore to right
    When viewed bigger, other small elements might become 'attention distractors' and need further PP to deal with

    I do like the shot, well done.

    If that's 'the Med.' - it's not how I remember it, but then I've only seen a few parts of it on sunny days - and that was 40+ years ago

    Hope that helps, Dave

    Thank you Dave for your suggestion.

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