Just as a couple of quick comments along with the others Raj. It looks to me as if there may be the slightest red/magenta color cast on the skin tones. Very slight.
A bit soft to me. And I think the shot would benefit from a vignetting because of the BG being close to and brighter in areas than the subject.
I think I might have positioned her a bit more turned to her left (camera right) and then had her turn back toward the camera. I think this would have complimented her figure more.
But the main worry I would have about this shot if mine is the camera left (her right) eye.
Because of her hair allowing only the white of that eye to show it looks very unnatural to me. Especially in light of the other eye being so beautiful. I thought it might be a prosthetic when I first opened the shot. Maybe if the hair was pulled back a little more or she was looking a bit further toward camera right to get the cornea showing a bit more instead of looking straight at the camera it might have helped mitigate what I am seeing. Or possibly having the hair cover the eye completely might be an option.