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Thread: new to this Forum

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Real Name
    Panayiotis (aka Pan)

    new to this Forum

    Hello all, and happy to be part of this community.

    Have not long taken up photography with a Nikon D3200 with its kit lens. Have read much about the science of the topic and stated taking pictures.

    I would be happy to learn much more from more experienced members here and make any contributions I can.

    Even though I haven't had my camera long, I am currently looking at the D7200 or even the D750. I am one of those must have kind of guys.

    Talk soon.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
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    Allan Short

    Re: new to this Forum

    Welcome Pan to CIC, hope you learn something here. Here is the first lesson, the D7200 and the D750 are excellent cameras, that does not mean that the D3200 in not, the other two cameras allow you to have more control over the camera. Also those two other cameras will not take better images than your D3200. So here is the lesson, learn that camera inside and out, learn to adjust it without thinking, push the camera to it's limit, then push yourself even farther, once you have pushed the camera to the point that it will not give you what you need, then is the time for an upgrade. Oh and the first upgrade will be lens, then when you have the lens you want, than the camera. Learn to get great images with your D3200 along with post production, then so-so images taken with a more expensive camera, too many rush out and purchase a more expensive camera thinking it will give them better images, better images comes from practice and lots and lots of practice.

    Cheers: Allan

  3. #3
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: new to this Forum

    Welcome to CiC from me here in Missouri. The best way I found in learning my camera is to sit down with an article that interests me at my deck with a cold drink and follow the instructions. The best lesson that I learned from learning my camera is to tackle the Exposure Triangle...follow the instructions until you can shoot using that to a T, then you can break the rule...but then, that is just me.

    Will wait to see what shots you can come up with ... to share with us.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: new to this Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by Fsb View Post
    Hello all, and happy to be part of this community.

    Have not long taken up photography with a Nikon D3200 with its kit lens. Have read much about the science of the topic and stated taking pictures.

    I would be happy to learn much more from more experienced members here and make any contributions I can.

    Even though I haven't had my camera long, I am currently looking at the D7200 or even the D750. I am one of those must have kind of guys.

    Talk soon.

    Welcome Pan,

    Have to agree with Izzie, first push the D3200 to its limits, you'll be surprised with what you can do. Try the Guided Mode and you'll be able to determine if all you need is an extra lens or two to complete your system.

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