nice shot but not able to help - had a look here but not up to your level of ID work so would not like to comment -
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nice shot but not able to help - had a look here but not up to your level of ID work so would not like to comment -
and now one I have no idea on whatsoever ! its a fly - maybe a snipe of some sort ? but very small - maybe Chrysopilus cristatus
Yes, Black Snipefly as you suggested.
You have done well with this one, I usually get hotspot problems with that very reflective fly.
Just an additional thought. How small is small? ;)
There is a similar Little Snipefly with yellow legs (Chrysopilus asiliformis). Body 6 mm max.
Some great shots Mark, David and Geoff. Love that Scorpion fly.
One from yesterday.
Cheers Geoff about 10mm I would guess :)
wow thats pretty Jim, nice spot and capture
Yes, very distinctive markings.
At 10 mm you are back to the Black, Mark. They have reflective golden hair over the black body which can make them a bit deceptive in bright lighting.
Nothing exciting from me; just a couple of common butterflies and I didn't quite manage to get perfectly square to them so there is a bit of outer wing softness. I often think they can actually look better with wings closed.
Ringlet. Just starting to appear around here.
What can you do when you get to the top of your stem?
The commonplace soldier beetle Rhagonycha fulva. There are a lot of mating pairs now but somehow I preferred the puzzled look on this beetle's face.
love the comma Geoff, dont often get to see why it got its name :)
We might have to explain that to some people though. No, let's see how many can work out the obvious. :D
Regarding my horsefly. I'm beginning to think more about it being the orange form of Hybomitra bimaculata.
I finally got me a bug to contribute though I do not know what it is because it was just floating on the water of my doggie bowl. It cannot be a bee although the bottom looks bee-like because it is only quarter of an inch long...
It is not dead...well, almost dead...:D
Stink bug on hosta....taken with my Nikon D90 105 manual focus macro lens and ring flash....try as I might, I'm just not getting the sharpness I want. Bug by N. Overholt, on Flickr
Common Birdwing-female (Troides helena cerberus)
This is the largest butterfly we have in Singapore and always fun to shoot as it's a non-stop flapper!
You Northern Hemisphere people are making me feel jealous, bloody cold here and not a bug in sight. Don't think I have even seen an ant recently
Looks like a Butt Fly Izzie :D I hope you managed to save him before Bill got near him :eek:
Great images everyone, keep them coming!
Totally agreeing with Greg. Summer needs to come back! I did however find an ant. by Tobias Weber, on Flickr
Lovely capture Toby!
Greg, winter here is actually very mild, especially this year and last year. I think the coldest we have had is about 4 or 5 degrees at night. During the day it stays fairly warm actually, as high as 20 sometimes. It get extremely dry though, no rain or anything for about 3 months. Still all the interesting bugs and creepies don't show themselves for a long time.
Thanks David!