Lovely capture Jim, cheers for sharing how you achieved it!:)
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Lovely capture Jim, cheers for sharing how you achieved it!:)
Nice capture of the Dragon Geoff, was this your old Canon 24-105?
Good stuff by all.
Very nice Jim, well captured bud!
A couple of Dragon Fly's
Very nice David. The second one stands out to me.
Cheers Jim, thanks for commenting bud!
Would that Dragon be a Keeled Skimmer, David? Orthetrum coerulescens.
Compare the wing spot to my Black-tailed Skimmer.
And yes, shot with my Canon 24-105 lens and the 40D. Didn't take any macro gear because it was a volunteer maintenance day so I thought I might grab a couple of 'people shots' but not any serious insect work. See my Weekly Photos thread for the only person photo from the day; and that was also just a quick snap.
Incidentally, they will probably be some of the last shots using that camera body. When I updated to a 7D I kept my 40D as a spare but I've recently gone to the 7D Mk II so I have the older 7D as a spare now. That old 7D had done a lot of hard work so after getting the new camera I sent it off for a full service.
Had to stay at home all day waiting for it to be delivered today; and it was a lovely day but I was just pottering in the garden etc instead of doing serious bug hunting. Now the forecast for next week looks disappointing. :(
Great shot of the bee Jim and that second dragon fly image is a real keeper David
some seriously nice dragons here guys very impressed :)
had a bit of a day at Llanelli WWT - a few Hoverflys to process and the odd beetle, butterfly, damsel and wasp, no dragons - the gits would not land:mad:
but a nice crab spider for now - Misumena vatia
Tokina 90mm 2.5 AT-X w/ Raynox 150 @ 1.15x F22
@ f20
Izzie, thats her abdomen, the spinnerets are there - these type dont weave a web but do still produce silk
Nice spider Mark.
This guy is too little for me be be shooting but I gave it a go.
Nice Jim, minimalist - good angle:)
Nice capture Jim!
Three images of a black and white spotted Rose Beetle? I think, #3 has a little friend on his nose:eek: