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Thread: Any bug photos during July 2015

  1. #141
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    To follow on from the rather splendid beetle and top flight photos, Nice shots David, one from yesterday - the git flew in dropped onto a dead flower, shrugged and flew off over the hedge, that was it! One shot and not a good one but hey - its a longhorn beetle - Strangalia maculata, not seen it before so happy to have any shot at the moment

    Any bug photos during July 2015

  2. #142

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    You are out of date, Mark. They were renamed Rutpela maculata a couple of years ago.

    Fairly common particularly on bramble flowers but usually keep moving around so it can be tricky to get a good camera angle.

    Found a few of them today and during a plant survey one landed on the rear end of a lady working beside me. I eventually managed to drag it off but it was really hanging on; then I opened out my hand and it flew away. She seemed quite impressed by the beetle - never mind my bravery in tackling the beast!

    ps And some good beetle photos from David.

  3. #143
    piggsy's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    nice enough to force me to look up the lens you are using. Thankfully it is not for my Sony or I would be tempted. Aside from your superb well honed skills you have nice equipment.
    You are too kind!

    I would definitely recommend the Tokina 90mm f2.5 AT-X for anyone doing any macro work - assuming you can find one at a reasonable price (some older and more popular manual focus lenses have become kind of stupidly priced - the whole point of using them was that they were nearly or as good as modern lenses for a lot less money) - there are versions of it for a whole bunch of mounts and there are few cameras you can't find at least "a" version for. The lack of autofocus is not a huge issue for macro work and if you're on a mirrorless camera / using an EVF you can get away without aperture control from the camera pretty easily while using it stopped down. It also takes well to being teleconverted or using an achromatic diopter with it if you can't find a version with the 1:1 matched adapter.

    This tokina and the Vivitar 135mm 2.8 Close Focusing are my two favorite lenses by far.

    There's a big writeup on it over here -

    and on other assorted links on the same blog.

  4. #144
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Found a few of them today and during a plant survey one landed on the rear end of a lady working beside me. I eventually managed to drag it off but it was really hanging on; then I opened out my hand and it flew away. She seemed quite impressed by the beetle - never mind my bravery in tackling the beast!
    are you sure it was the beetle she was impressed by - dont move while i 'remove this beetle' nudge nudge wink wink

  5. #145
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Cheers Mark and Geoff, I was lucky with mine Mark, they were happy feeding and did not fly away!

  6. #146

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Some more horseflies. Starting with one of those dreaded Clegs; one of the species which deliberately seeks out human blood!

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    And another Deer Fly, which is a different species from the one which I previously uploaded.

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    This is Chrysops viduatus and has a small square spot on the abdomen where the other one had an inverted V shape.

    Tried for a better angle on those eyes but it wouldn't pose any longer.

  7. #147
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Lovely captures Geoff, I hate Clegs, horrible blood suckers

  8. #148
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Great photo's Geoff, are horse flies like what we call here March flies?
    They bite but are slow to get away, usually too slow

  9. #149
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Nice captures David, Mark and Geoff.

  10. #150

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Probably similar species, Greg. Tabanidae family.

  11. #151
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    These were taken on a recording visit to a local nature reserve (Great Nash's Meadows, part of the Valerie Wells Reserve).

    #1 is a female Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum. I had originally assumed that it was the more common Common Darter until I looked closely and checked in the ID guide.
    Any bug photos during July 2015

    #2 is a Small Skipper. This is very hard to distinguish from the Essex Skipper. Since we were in Essex, before photographing it, I had a good look and I could see that the underside of the antennae were orange-brown rather than the black of the Essex Skipper. Unfortunately this did not show in the photos I took.
    Any bug photos during July 2015


  12. #152

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    I have been seeing quite a lot of Large Skippers this year, John, and last weekend I found my first Small Skipper. Just managed an angle where enough of the underside was visible to confirm the identification.

    How about some moths? Here are a few which pretend to be sticks or leaves.

    Buff Tip

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    The Flame

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    I think this is a Common Rustic Moth

    Any bug photos during July 2015

  13. #153
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Geoff, the Buff Tip fooled me until I had a second look!

  14. #154

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    And weighing in at 30 mm it is a stunning beast!

    Not exactly rare but this is the first one I have seen.

  15. #155

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Finally I had the opportunity to find some bugs so I will be sharing. I am clueless as far as ID so I hope someone can help me out with that. All these were taken while on vacation. I forgot my micro lens so all were shot with 100-400mm II canon lens. CC always welcomed and appreciated.

    Caught these 2 in action wish the they had picked a better background but so be it, who am I to mess with nature.

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    This guy was holding on for dear life as the wind blew the daisy about.

    Any bug photos during July 2015

    This guy was all too happy to have his picture taken.

    Any bug photos during July 2015

  16. #156
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Barbara, this is an impressive collection of photos. If you hadn't said you were not using a macro lens, I'd never have guessed. I have the Mark I version of the Canon 100 – 400 lens – I'll have to give it a go for macro use.

  17. #157

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Barbara, this is an impressive collection of photos. If you hadn't said you were not using a macro lens, I'd never have guessed. I have the Mark I version of the Canon 100 – 400 lens – I'll have to give it a go for macro use.
    Thank you Bruce I have been really happy with this lens, I have several others but usually just carry this one and a 1.4 teleconverter to get a longer distance for my bird shots

  18. #158

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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Coming in for a landing Bumble Bee on Texas sage!

    Any bug photos during July 2015

  19. #159
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Great captures John and Geoff!

  20. #160
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Any bug photos during July 2015

    Very nice Barbara, well done you!

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