30th June 2015, 09:25 AM
Suggestions to Improve!
What is wrong with this picture(Light Trail Photography). I tried to take similar pictures but all of them were blurred as if i was moving my smartphone camera. What setting should i change to get the right result.
Im just a beginner. I used my Phone and the camera Fv5 pro app which gives DSLR like controls for Smartphones.
Camera : LG G3
30th June 2015, 10:19 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Welcome to CiC. Would you mind clicking the "My Profile" tab at the top of the page and completing your profile? At least fill in your first name and where you are from; we tend to be fairly informal here at CiC and go on a first name basis.
As to what is "wrong" with your image, that really depends on your expectations. You wanted to get streaking head lights and tail lights, and so far as I can see; that is exactly what you got. You are showing signs of motion blur and sensor noise, but based on that you are shooting low light and are likely hand holding your phone while steadying it, that is to be expected. You've already suggested you will need a tripod in another thread, so I suggest you have at least partially answered your own question.
To get the image you are looking for you need:
1. The technical skills to get the shot that you want;
2. The artistic (compositional skills) to identify the scene that will give you that compelling image you are trying to capture; and
3. The appropriate equipment to execute your vision.
If you are a beginner, I suspect you are missing something on all three counts, so get out there and practice. Figure out how your equipment is limiting your success and either work around that or get better tools. Don't expect that someone here will turn you into a fantastic night photographer instantly; many of the members here have been taking pictures for quite some time (years and decades, in some instances).
Last edited by Manfred M; 30th June 2015 at 10:34 AM.
Reason: typo
30th June 2015, 10:29 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Hi Zameel, you have a lot of camera shake in the image, was this taken on a tripod or hand held.
Edit, I see Manfred has got you under control, welcome to CiC
30th June 2015, 11:36 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
It Seems like there is a lot of camera shake but i did look into that and took precautions so as not to shake the camera. But i still didnt get it right. I held it steady with my hands.
Has it some thing to do with auto focus and ISO value? How should i change it to get better results?
30th June 2015, 01:20 PM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
What precautions did you take? If it was in your hands or your hand touching it, it will show some motion (shake). Nothing to do with auto focus to cause it, just bad technique on your part. How to improve practice, practice, practice and more practice. Over 99% of bad images is not the result of the camera, but the person behind the camera.
Cheers: Allan
30th June 2015, 02:27 PM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Does your ap allow you to tell us what the shutter speed and aperture were when the photo was taken?
Looks like all you need to do, initially, is hold the camera (phone) still, as in rock steady.
30th June 2015, 04:28 PM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
How to improve? In my view, having a bunch of light streaks without any context is generally not a particularly effective image. You usually need to get some of the background in the image as well as it puts the light streaks in context. This means you should think of shooting a fairly well lit scene, where the light streaks add to the composition, rather than being just the composition. Examples of what I mean are:

A word of caution; I used some fairly advanced techniques to do these images and am quite certain that your camera phone could not do images like these. Camera phones tend to have fairly limited functionality. I used a tripod to take both of these shots.
Last edited by Manfred M; 30th June 2015 at 04:35 PM.
1st July 2015, 07:26 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Don't think I've used the iPhone for long exposures at night though I have seen it done. I have used an app called SlowShutter that can give results like this:

The set-up in action:
1st July 2015, 09:35 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Thanks People. I Shall incorporate all your ideas and get better results. Ill come back soon with better photos.
2nd July 2015, 12:03 AM
Re: Suggestions to Improve!
Additional to camera shake is that the image looks over exposed...
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