Nice capture Doug, and nice conversion, could it do with a slight c/w turn? or is it just my tired eyes?![]()
Ditto David's comments, great photo Doug
My left leg is shorter than the other because of an old war wound, causing me to have a slight list to my port side when taking pictures. (A funny story actually, best told on R rated websites.)
I agree though that it needs to be leveled.
Leveled I think this would look nice on a white greeting card.
Nicely done.
Very nice image Doug![]()
Very nice! Perfect in mono!
A very pleasant scene Doug and nice conversion.
I shortened two legs on my chair to view it, now waiting for someone to post an image sloping the other way so I can shorten the other two legs and get back to level![]()
It is a nice shot and good conversion for this kind of image but this conversation will go downwards to the left unless otherwise you right that level...kapish?![]()
Well, it looks better now...I hope everyone will take a second look...
Taken the second look Doug and still love it though don't have to tilt my head now
Wonderful image
Now that comment made you do it, isn't that a nicer way to ask to see the correction? It works!!!![]()
Makes all the difference Doug!![]()
The difference to me can be seen in the verticals; I think it does look better IMO.
I've looked at the original so long that this one looks like it is angled the other way (it's not).![]()