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Thread: I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

  1. #1

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    I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

    This is the same shot that I posted yesterday. Today I processed it in Sony's cut down version of Capture One. It does look better than the one done in Rawtherappee.

    This is partly due to a slightly different crop and undoubtedly some different editing in Gimp. But a major difference is as Grumpy suggested the reality that C.O. allows me to set the lens I used. As soon as I did that the shot just popped.

    I have no idea what will happen at the end of 30 days but I will continue to try to learn C.0. as it does a better job even in the cut down Sony version.

    The plus side to the slow opening and exporting is that I get to do house work while I wait!
    I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

  2. #2

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    Re: I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

    What lens did you use? I can e-mail you the Adobe lens correction profiles for that lens and you can use it in RT. In fact, I can send you all of the Sony lens profiles for future use.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimr1961 View Post
    What lens did you use? I can e-mail you the Adobe lens correction profiles for that lens and you can use it in RT. In fact, I can send you all of the Sony lens profiles for future use.
    Lens profiles are nice, but what Brian really needs is a decent profile for the camera. The one he has been using does not seem to be the right one and the colours seem off. From what I can see is the one is the Sony version in Capture One seems to work well, whereas the one in RawTherapee does not work well.

    The other issue may just be the RawTherapee engine. Adobe's ACR was terrible until they came out with Photoshop CS5 (ACR 8?) and with new engine.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export


    I wonder if your monitor has been calibrated lately?

  5. #5

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    Re: I got a clean dl, watched some videos, took an hour to figure out how to export

    I have the Sony SLT a58 Adobe Standard .dcp file from Camera Raw profiles. I'd be happy to send that along with the lens profiles to play with.

    If you'd like to play with them Brian, let me know and I'll fire them off to you.

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