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Binnur - my B&W workflow is a bit different than the ones mentioned here, and that is because I usually make the monochrome versus colour decision at the time I press the shutter release, i.e. I take the picture with the intent of converting later on. I very rarely change my mind after I open the image in post, as I look at monochrome as a compositional tool, rather than an end in itself.
I use Photoshops Camera Raw filter to do my conversions on data file that I open as a SmartObject. The main reason I do this is because I have 8 different sliders to work with, rather than the 6 in Photoshop. I use this work flow so that I can go back and tweak things as I work the image; sometimes I change my mind as the work progresses and I see the impact of other edits on the image.
To me a monochrome image is all about two things; tonality and contrast. I really don't care what the file looks like in colour. I get the tones working for me first and only consider how they look in monochrome. Tweaking the sky and either bringing out the clouds, or subduing them (blue and aqua sliders), changing the impact of leaves (mostly the yellow slider), etc. Once that is looking good, I move on to the contrast that I generally set manually with a curves adjustment layer.
Once I get all that done, I do the actual edits on the monochrome image.
I do own the whole Nik suite, but generally either do not use Silver Efex or if I do, it is on a monochrome image. I sometimes use it for a "quick & dirty" B&W conversion, but mostly not. I find I have much better control of the final image if I stick with Photoshop.