In those, at least, the appearance should be the same on wide or narrow gamut monitors (as they are likely to be within the gamut of all monitors).
However, although the colours may be the same on any (calibrated and profiled) monitor, the spectral composition will depend on the primaries of the monitor. For example, a narrow-gamut monitor might have a green primary roughly the same as sRGB (x=0.30, y=0.60) but a wide gamut monitor (my Eizo, for example) has a green primary about x=0.197, y=0.723.
In other words, whatever the calibration of the monitor, all the test patterns will be composed of various combinations of the R, G and B primaries for that monitor - which will differ from monitor to monitor.
However, I can't immediately figure out what that means for the tests. For example, suppose one is trying to distinguish between two pastel shades. Will it be easier if those shades are composed of some combination of 3 widely-spaced (highly saturated) primaries, or a different combination of 3 more narrowly spaced primaries? For a person with normal colour vision it shouldn't matter - the colour will be the same in both cases. But for someone with a minor color defect? I don't know enough to figure that out.