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Thread: Combine Pictures into 1

  1. #1

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    Combine Pictures into 1

    I tried googling how to do this but not sure if the results were what I'm looking for...

    I took some pictures of fireworks over the weekend and would like to combine 2-3 of them into one shot. These pictures are not straight sky pictures as they share the same "horizon" base (pictures should be aligned as it was tripod mounted).

    Any links or tips on how to get these into one?

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Allan Short

    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Ankit it would help to know which processing program that you use. It is not really that hard of a thing to do.

    Cheers: Allan

  3. #3

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Several options are possible.

    Does your editing software do merging of images? Plenty of other options like Zerene etc but some require payment.

    I have successfully merged firework photos simply by using layers and masks, providing your software is suitable.

    Another option which has worked well for me is to use a 'base image' which shows a horizon or ground based fireworks etc, then add on selected areas from the other images as layers.

    Draw around the area to be transferred with a freehand selection tool, using a bit of feather; copy and paste into the base image. Move around until it looks correct.

    Try using different Blend Modes for the layers to get the pasted layers to merge together without any obvious joins. Without this, different shades of black from the sky may be noticeable.

  4. #4

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Ankit it would help to know which processing program that you are using. It is not that hard depending on your post processing program.

    Cheers: Allan
    oops...sorry I thought I wrote googling for photoshop. I think my versions are photoshop CC and LR 5.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Some cameras are capable of doing it also, called Image Overlay.

  6. #6

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Not all that hard, has to be done in CC, can not be done in LR. I use CC not LR, 1st I would open the images by way of bridge into ACR then adjust each image. 2nd I would now open all three images into CC, to the 2nd images select>all>copy>Paste (onto the 1st image), repeat for the 3rd image, add a layer mask to the two that were pasted, turn the eyeball off on the upper most image, then with masking and blending make into one image, then turn on eyeball that was turned off, then again do the same with that one onto the images below. As you are using Photoshop CC, there are other ways which someone will describe.

    Cheers: Allan

  7. #7

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    If those are panoramic images with adjacant images having some part in common then Photoshop will do it for you under File -> Automate
    If you want to merge the images one over the other and want to see some part from each image then open all the images in Photoshop. Select the Move tool and drag each image one by one over the background image. Now you should have each image in a seperate layer. Keep background layer visible always and turn of visibility for all other layers except one (any one). Add mask to that visible layer and paint with black colour to erase the unwanted part of that layer. You should be able to see background layer through the area you painted with black. Do this for each and every layer one by one. Painting with white colour will bring the erased part back.

  8. #8

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Quote Originally Posted by mrinmoyvk View Post
    If those are panoramic images with adjacant images having some part in common then Photoshop will do it for you under File -> Automate
    If you want to merge the images one over the other and want to see some part from each image then open all the images in Photoshop. Select the Move tool and drag each image one by one over the background image. Now you should have each image in a seperate layer. Keep background layer visible always and turn of visibility for all other layers except one (any one). Add mask to that visible layer and paint with black colour to erase the unwanted part of that layer. You should be able to see background layer through the area you painted with black. Do this for each and every layer one by one. Painting with white colour will bring the erased part back.
    I think I did this correctly based on your instructions but it doesn't allow for overlap. If I have a firework burst in the same location (or nearby), the way its performing is it will only show one or the other. It doesn't give me that overlapped look. Maybe I'm missing a step?

  9. #9

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Another method that may help:

    1) Open first two images into layers in PS.

    2) Add an adjustment layer to make the grade of the top layer match as close as poss the one underneath.

    3) open up (words to the effect of) layer blending FX (double click layer) on top layer.

    4) look for 'blend if' sliders. And blend if 'this layer' is for example dark. If you move the slider you'll get a harsh edge. Hold Alt and then move the slider to get a nice fall off.

    5) use a layer mask to soft brush out all but the fireworks.

    Quite good for merging different clouds/skies together too. Hope that helps.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    I think this simple method might work. Go to this tutorial on this site: Then search for the heading "AVERAGING IMAGES IN PHOTOSHOP USING LAYERS". The tutorial is about noise reduction, but given that your images are already aligned, I think this might work.

    I don't have photoshop with me and can't try it myself.

  11. #11

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    Re: Combine Pictures into 1

    Quote Originally Posted by THaNaToZ View Post
    I think I did this correctly based on your instructions but it doesn't allow for overlap. If I have a firework burst in the same location (or nearby), the way its performing is it will only show one or the other. It doesn't give me that overlapped look. Maybe I'm missing a step?
    I learnt from some other video, dont really remember which but this might help you.

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