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Thread: Remote shutter release

  1. #1
    flipmode's Avatar
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    Remote shutter release

    Can anyone recommend a good remote shutter release? Also, would you recommend a wireless one?


  2. #2

    Re: Remote shutter release


    I bought one of these a few weeks ago. So far, it works really well. The great thing is you can just use it as a single shot release, or you can easily set it to do multiple shots of different durations. I tried a cheaper wireless one, but for some reason I like the umbilical feel of still being connected to the camera. The official Canon version of this is a lot more expensive. You need to make sure you get the right one for your camera.

  3. #3
    David's Avatar
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    Re: Remote shutter release

    Hi Chris - I bought a Hahnel Pro Remote Wireless system (ca. £50?) from Jessops, no doubt available cheaper elsewhere. I'm pleased with it because you do not have to be near the camera (range allegedly 80 metres) so you can do candid shots e.g. of cats (see thread Tom's Annoyed). I've also got a couple of attached releases similar to Rob's. Different circumstances require different tools: buy both!!!



  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Remote shutter release

    Have a look on ebay for "photix" remote releases. They have a very good reputation and are quite cheap, wireless instead of infra red and have a good working range. I'm happy with the one I got for my D90.

    The advantage of wireless is that you don't have to be in front of the camera.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Remote shutter release

    It would depend on what use you plan to put the remote release and also what cameras with which you plan to use the remote.

    Corded release: The advantage is that you can use this release from behind the camera. Of course, the major disadvantage of this type of release is that you are limited by the length of the cord.

    Cordless releases: I am only familiar with Canon brand cameras. the Rebel xxxD type cameras have a built-in infrared sensor which allows you to use a remote release directly with the camera. Unfortunately it really only works well when you are firing from in front of the camera and not behind. The xxD style cameras do not have the built-in infrared capable releases. Instead you use a two piece release consisting of a sender and a receiver which plugs into the receptacle used for the corded release. The positive aspect of this release is that you can fire it without being connected to the camera and can fire it from the front or rear of the camera. However, you have the receiver dangling from the socket which may propose a problem.

    BTW: When I shot with a rebel XT, I used a third party (eBay) remote release. This had a greater range than the Canon OEM cordless release and I never had any problem with it. As for remote releases for xxD cameras, I believe that you have to look on the third party market to find one.

    Either remote or corded releases are quite handy when shooting on a tripod, especially with slow shutter speeds. Otherwise, you need to use the self-timer. The 2 or 10 second self-timer of the 40D and later Canon models is quite handy but, the two seconds might not give enough time to dampen the shutter release motion - especially if your tripod is not the most stable.

  6. #6

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    Re: Remote shutter release

    Whether a shutter release, of any method, will really help or just hinder your photography depends on what you are photographing.

    At one time, I always used a Canon electrical cord for my macro work (mostly insects) on a tripod but eventually found that it was so time consuming and fiddly to use, even when taped to my tripod handle, that I have given up with it except for really slow or other problematic shots.

    I found that I was missing too many chances with quick moving insects because I was fiddling for the button. I did consider creating a foot operated system but on soft or irregular ground it still would cause problems, including tripping.

    With insects, etc, I prefer a reasonable speed to counter any wind movement problems so after a few experiments I ditched my cord and couldn't see any difference in the results.

    But this is using quick continuous manual focusing so I always need one hand on the lens.

  7. #7

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    Re: Remote shutter release

    I have a Canon rc-1. It's a very basic wireless remote that costs around $30 Cdn. No whistles or bangs; it just triggers the shutter. Great if you just want to reduce shake with the camera on a tripod.


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